Warning Signs Your Carpet Has Sustained Water Damage
Carpet creates a warm, inviting feeling when installed in a home. However, there are some drawbacks, including its absorbency, which results in the carpet retaining water when exposed.
It is crucial to not let water absorb into a carpet, as this could cause some water damage that can be very hard to repair. Small spills here and there won’t do much, but flooding can cause irreparable damage, even if you leave your dehumidifier running.
Thankfully, a carpet cleaning company will be able to offer carpet water damage solutions to bring your carpet back to usable condition. Here is an overview of how to spot water damage in carpet and what you should watch for:
- Sogginess: This is a pretty obvious one—if you step on water and feel or hear it squishing beneath you like a sponge, this is an obvious sign there is water saturating the carpet. You should take immediate action to remedy the problem and remove the moisture.
- Discoloration: Carpets with water damage tend to fade and discolor. If you notice spots in the carpet that are strangely “off” compared to the rest of the carpet, this could be a sign of water damage, especially if you also notice black or green mold spots or other symptoms of water damage in the area.
- Water damage on lower walls and baseboards: Water damage that’s present on baseboards and the lower sections of walls could indicate there is also water damage to the carpet in the immediate vicinity of those spots.
- Foul smells: Water damage is typically associated with a musty odor that smells stale or moldy. If the smell doesn’t go away even after you ventilate the area thoroughly, this is a sign you are probably dealing with some water damage.
- Wrinkling in the carpet: A carpet that has begun to wrinkle, pucker or buckle up is one that may very well have some water damage underneath. In such a case, the water affecting the carpet probably removed some of the adhesive underneath, so the rug is no longer fully secured to the floor. If buckling starts to occur in your carpet, pull back some of the area to look for dampness or other signs of water damage. If the sub-floor is wet or warped, this could be a sign indicating water has done damage to the area.
- Visible mold: If you have visible mold or mildew growing on particular areas of your carpet, this is almost certainly a sign of excessive moisture and/or water damage, and you should take the necessary mold remediation steps as soon as possible.
- Leaks: If you’ve had leaks around the home and have noticed some of the other signs on this list, this likely will indicate you’ve sustained some water damage to your carpets.
These are just a few examples of some of the most common indicators of water damage in carpet. The good news is you can resolve the problem with the help of a professional. To learn more about some carpet water damage solutions you can attempt in your home, contact the team at Lov ‘N Kare Carpet Center.