How Carpet Can Affect The Health Of Those In The Home
How Carpet Can Affect The Health Of Those In The Home
Carpets can be a great addition to a home, but it can also adversely affect the health of those who live in the home. This is because of the dirt and bacteria that accumulate in them over time, as well as a host of allergens that can get stirred up when they are dirty.
Airborne Particles
Airborne particles are small insoluble particulates, ranging from a few nanometers (1 nm) to a few millimeters (0.1 mm). These can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and even into the bloodstream, where they can cause significant effects on the body’s ability to regenerate. Airborne dust is produced by a variety of sources, including soil being lifted up by weather, volcanic eruptions, and pollution. These dusts are transported through the atmosphere and can affect visibility. As these particles enter the lungs, they can trigger a number of health problems, such as coughing, sneezing, and trouble breathing. This can be particularly difficult for those who have asthma or other pre-existing conditions.
Despite carpet’s insulating ability, it also collects and holds dust, pollen, mold, pet dander, and other allergens. These allergens then circulate in the air when you walk or vacuum and can irritate your respiratory system. In addition, carpets are very absorbent of sound waves which can make it difficult for people with respiratory issues to breathe easily and may increase symptoms. Choosing carpets with thicker fibers and a good quality pad can help reduce noise levels in your home. Moreover, many carpets release toxic chemicals into the air which are harmful to your health. Those chemicals include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde, which are both known to cause adverse health effects.
Some carpet cleaning chemicals and some new carpets, as well as the adhesives used to affix them to your floor, contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which emit gases and chemicals that can have adverse health effects. These chemicals include formaldehyde, xylene and benzene, which are known carcinogens. Optical brighteners are also present in many carpet-cleaning products and can be harmful. Some can even make your carpet look yellow, which can be an irritant to eyes and respiratory tracts. There are a number of other ways to help prevent exposure to these pollutants and protect the people in your home. For example, try to choose hard-surface floors or rugs that can be removed and cleaned outside; use vacuums that have a HEPA filter; and avoid using adhesives with phthalates.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic insects that live in mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture and carpet. They feed on flakes of dead skin that people and animals shed. They can trigger allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose and nasal congestion. In severe cases, dust mite allergies can cause asthma and eczema. The best way to reduce the number of mites in your home is to reduce the places where they can gather. Vacuum your furniture and floors often. You can also wash throw rugs in hot water weekly to kill them. This is especially important if you have concrete floors that remain damp and provide a warm environment for mites.
Mold is a fungi that can grow on many different types of surfaces, including floors, walls, appliances, carpet, and furniture. It can also grow in damp areas in homes, such as basements, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and crawl spaces. If a home has a lot of mold, the spores can be harmful to those with allergies or respiratory conditions. They can also cause asthma, sinus infections, and bronchitis. To be safe, you should dry water damaged materials within 24-48 hours and clean up any mold you find immediately. This is especially important for areas where children will be playing.