Most homeowners in South Amboy, NJ aren’t sure how often they should clean outdoor cushions. Chances are, they’re not cleaned often enough! This means you’ll be able to get less use out of the cushions due to mildew and stain accumulation. Below are some other reasons why outdoor cushions need cleaning more often than indoor cushions.

Wash away dust, mildew and food stains

Outdoor cushions need cleaning more often than indoor cushions because they’re exposed to the elements. The cushions on your patio furniture are usually made from weather-resistant materials, but they’re still a magnet for grime throughout the seasons. They need a good scrub down after collecting a summer’s worth of dust and mildew.

Homeowners in South Amboy, NJ should clean their cushions once the cold weather hits. This is especially true for those who enjoy dining outdoors and hosting summer barbecues. Without a regular cleaning schedule, outdoor cushions become dingy over time. No one wants to sit on last season’s ketchup stain!

If you’re wondering how often you need to clean outdoor cushions, it depends on how much you use them and whether the household includes pets and children. The experts recommend cleaning outdoor cushions at least once or twice a year. Families with small children and furry companions, meanwhile, should clean them three or four times per year.

Cleaning helps extend their life

A biannual cleaning of outdoor cushions ensures they’ll last a longer time. Homeowners save money in the long run because they won’t have to frequently replace the cushions. With the help of a few common household items, you can keep outdoor cushions looking like new for longer.

Even though outdoor cushions need cleaning more often than indoor cushions, the time investment is worth it. One afternoon of cleaning will make those cushions look like they just came home from the store. Plus, you can reduce how often you need to clean outdoor cushions by storing them away for those South Amboy, NJ winters.

How to maintain your outdoor cushions

Cleaning outdoor cushions at home is very simple. To create your cleaning solution, mix a little bit of dish soap with half a cup of Borax, then fill the bucket with water. Lay the cushions on your patio or driveway and hose them down until they’re damp but not soaked. Scrub with a hard-bristled brush, let the solution sit for five minutes, rinse and set them aside to dry.

Of course, the most effective way to clean outdoor cushions is by calling your local upholstery cleaner in South Amboy, NJ. Having an expert take care of your outdoor cushions saves you time and ensures the job is done right the first time.

If you need someone to clean your outdoor cushions, look no further than Lov ‘N Kare Carpet Center. We have all the right tools necessary for restoring the appearance of carpet, upholstery and more. Read more about our furniture cleaning services to discover how we make homes look new again, then call to schedule an appointment!

If you own any furniture, you likely know that spills on upholstery should be cleaned as soon as possible so you have the best chance of preventing a stain from setting in. But what about the old stains that you didn’t notice or weren’t able to clean right away? What are the steps you can take to remove those older stains from your upholstery?

Here’s a quick overview of the steps you should take in safely cleaning upholstery in South Amboy, NJ:

For more information about safe upholstery cleaning in South Amboy, NJ, we encourage you to contact Lov ‘N Kare Carpet Center today.