An Oriental rug can be stunning, but it can also be costly, which is why you want your rug to last as long as possible. Oriental rugs are like an investment, and as with any other investment, they require special attention and care. To help guarantee a long life for your Oriental rug, here are a few proper care tips to put into practice:
- Take your shoes off: Not only do your shoes track in all the dirt and grime from the outside world across your beautiful carpet, but the tread on your shoes works to grind that dirt into the very fibers of your Oriental rug. To increase the life of your Oriental rug, it’s best to adopt a “no shoes in the house” policy and ask guests and family to leave their shoes at the door. However, if shoes do find their way onto your rug, getting a regular Oriental rug cleaning in South Amboy, NJ can help prevent permanent damage to your rug.
- Watch out for pests: Moths and certain beetles may find the fibers of your Oriental rug the perfect nesting place. Most genuine Oriental rugs contain wool and cotton fibers, which can be a tasty snack for the larvae of moths and certain types of beetles. Larvae tend to reside in areas of the rug that see little traffic, so it’s important to vacuum the entire surface of your rug weekly. The back of your rug should also be cleaned roughly once a year by a professional cleaner.
- Keep plants off the rug: Water may be the singular most damaging thing that can happen to an Oriental rug. Water that is not completely dried up can actually cause the cotton backing of your rug to rot. Planters that are kept on top of the rug and are regularly watered can cause a dampness underneath the rug that never has the chance to completely dry. To avoid this, it’s best to keep plants at the periphery of your room and not on the rug.
- Clean up accidents and spills immediately: Should something spill on your rug or a pet have an accident, it’s important to clean the affected area as soon as possible. Try to sop up as much liquid as possible using paper towels. Then use a carpet cleaner to clean the area and rinse thoroughly. If a stain or bad odor persists, call for professional Oriental rug cleaning in South Amboy, NJ.
- Schedule regular cleanings: Just like regular carpets, oriental rugs can become home to dust mites, allergens, dead skin and the everyday dirt that goes along with our daily lives. To ensure the longevity of your rug and the health of your home, your rug should be professionally cleaned at least once a year.
Your Oriental rug is more than a rug—it is a valuable work of art and should be well cared for. For help with keeping your Oriental rug clean and beautiful, give Lov ‘N Kare Carpet Center a call today!