Several factors determine how often you need to wax the floors in your South Amboy, NJ home or business. Your floor waxing schedule should revolve around the amount of traffic and wear and tear that it goes through on a daily basis. Another factor is the environment of the area where you live. For example, maybe wind blows in a lot of dust, or frequent rainstorms create muddy situations. Dust, mud and more can get tracked inside and onto your hardwood floors, then ground in over time.
Keep your hardwood, stone, tile, laminate or other type of flooring material looking great for years to come with regular cleanings and maintenance, including periodic waxing. Here’s what you need to know about waxing hard floor surfaces.
How often to wax a floor
As mentioned above, there are some factors that will influence your floor waxing schedule, including the amount of foot traffic it is subjected to and the general environment. Your waxing frequency also depends on the type of floor you have. While each type of flooring material has specific waxing needs, the average hard floor should be waxed no more than once every six months, and no less than once every 36 months. Most floor pros recommend waxing every 12 to 18 months as a form of preventative maintenance.
Why you should wax hardwood floors
All types of hard floor materials can benefit from regular wax treatments. Without a good wax layer from time to time, floors will begin taking on a grungy appearance, looking dirty all the time. This may be all you need to hear to consider including it in your cleaning schedule.
The most obvious benefit of waxing your floors is aesthetics. The cleaner your floors look, the more beautiful they appear to guests, visitors, customers or clients. This in turn shows that you care about the cleanliness of your home or business. Waxing is also a simple way to reduce the appearance of minor imperfections in the floor’s surface. The wax makes scratches and dings harder to see, while at the same time adding the kind of shine that can brighten up any room. Another benefit of wax is that it provides a protective top layer—which is especially important for hardwood flooring—and can prolong the life of your floors.
Prepare floors for wax
Before waxing your floors, move all furniture and other objects from the room, then make sure the floor is clean and dry. If dirt on the floor is waxed over, it will remain there forever. Also, this is a process that requires time for cleaning, possible stripping, waxing and setting. Be prepared to not walk on or put anything on the floor for a couple days afterwards.
Thorough hardwood floor cleanings and occasional floor waxing in South Amboy, NJ better ensure you can maintain the aesthetics and quality of your floor. Wax also protects floors from excessive wear and tear that can lead to early floor replacement. Schedule professional waxing service with the team at Lov ‘N Kare Carpet Center by calling us today!